Looking for eyelash extensions or waxing services in Hermosa Beach. At South Bay Wax & Lash Spa there is FREE parking in front of the Spa. That’s right FREE parking spots right in front of my place.  Sorry, no stairs, no elevators, and no parking meters!

If you are going to get a set of eyelash extensions, bikini wax, or a Brazilian wax in downtown Manhattan Beach or downtown Redondo Beach how much of your valuable time do you spend trying to find a parking space?

Some of my eyelash extension clients told me they spent more time trying to find a parking place than they did to get a full set of eyelash extensions. I know that is one of the reasons I’m getting so many new clients.

Free parking for eyelash extensions Hermosa Beach

Free parking for eyelash extensions Hermosa Beach

Enjoy stress-FREE parking at South Bay Wax & Lash Spa in downtown Hermosa Beach.



#eyelashextensions #eyelashes #hermosabeach