If you are looking for a body wrap in Hermosa beach and type in “body wraps Hermosa Beach” we hope that our website offering our “beach body wraps” comes up some somewhere on the first page for your search. We spend a lot of time and money on our website (South Bay Wax & Lash Spa) so a keyword like “body wrap Hermosa Beach” comes up hopefully on the first page of your search.
We found out that the majority of those looking for a body wrap in Hermosa Beach will search on the website first. Most no longer use the yellow page phone book, news paper or some magazine to find the nearest place in Hermosa Beach for a body wrap. If you wanted a body wrap in Hermosa Beach where would you look first?
Searching Facebook and Twitter for Body wraps in Hermosa Beach
We also found that social media is also helpful in offering body wraps near Hermosa beach. On our Facebook page and Twitter page we promote the key words “body wraps Hermosa beach” We do this on our Facebook page or Twitter page to promote our “beach body wrap.” We get several clients a week from these sources but that’s not the only thing. Many client get one of our Beach Body Wraps plus a facial or a waxing or some kind of skin care treatment. We call these our Beach Body Wrap specials
Beach Body wrap + facial $95
Beach body wrap + Brazilian or bikini wax $95
We have found out that the internet or internet marketing is the most import means of promoting our spa services. That does not mean we do not try other avenues to advertise our spa services. We have tried “the Daily Breeze” and got a good response. Also some other local advertising mediums but by a large margin the most result come from our internet marketing. To do internet marketing you need a good (IT) person or persons. They must have a clear understand of SEO to keep you on the first page of searches on Google, Bing etc.
We hope that our internet marketing make it easy for new clients to find or South bay Wax & Lash Spa website. For more information about our body wraps or body wrap specials call or visit our South Bay Wax & Lash Spa at 827 Palm Dr Hermosa Beach Ca, 90254 Phone number 310 347-2012 #bodywrapshermosabeach #bodywraps #hermosabeach