Have you ever wanted baby-smooth, soft facial skin? That peach fuzz on your face might be getting in the way. Thousands of women are opting for a cosmetic procedure known as “dermaplaning” to achieve silky smooth skin and say goodbye to their facial hair. When many women want to revitalize their facial skin, they immediately think of a facial that includes steam to open pores, a thorough cleansing, exfoliation and perhaps a facial massage. Dermaplaning is different. Dermaplaning is a simple, safe procedure when performed by a trained professional, such as the team at South Bay Wax Spa. Read on to learn more about dermaplaning and its benefits.

What Is Dermaplaning? Dermaplaning is a procedure in which a trained professional shaves a woman’s face to remove vellus hairs, also known as “peach fuzz.” Peach fuzz is tiny facial hairs – not thick enough to be considered facial hair, but noticeable enough for removal. In a dermaplaning session, your esthetician will use a medical-grade scalpel to gently scrape the surface of your facial skin. Your esthetician will not cut your skin and dermaplaning does not hurt. It’s tough to get rid of these small hairs during a waxing or sugaring session, which is what makes dermaplaning the best option for peach fuzz removal.

The Benefits of Dermaplaning. Dermaplaning is not just a hair removal procedure. It also provides exfoliation, similar to microdermabrasion procedures but much more gentle. The scalpel will remove the surface layer of dead skin from your face along with your peach fuzz, leaving you with silky smooth results. In addition, dermaplaning gently invigorates the skin, triggering cell rejuvenation. This helps leave your skin with a super soft texture and a healthy glow. Your face will feel smoother and healthier after dermaplaning. Since those pesky little hairs are gone, your makeup will also go on smoother than before.

What to Expect After Dermaplaning. All skin types work with dermaplaning and preparation for your appointment is minimal. Typically, dermaplaning procedures take around 40 minutes. No recovery time is needed after your appointment, but it is very important to apply sunscreen – fresh exfoliation makes your skin vulnerable to sun damage. As an added benefit of dermaplaning, your skincare products will be much more effective, because the barrier of dead skin and peach fuzz is gone. Dermaplaning can be a perfect preparation for rejuvenating facial and peel treatments that follow to have a deeper and more long-lasting effect. Your skin will soak up sunscreen, moisturizers, and serums easily. Dermaplaning results can last up to four weeks, and no, the fuzz will not grow back thicker or darker.

Choose South Bay Wax Spa Today. Dermaplaning requires special tools and training, so you should not attempt dermaplaning at home. For best results, visit a trained dermaplaning professional like one of our team members at South Bay Wax Spa. Our estheticians are expertly trained in dermaplaning, waxing, sugaring, facials, and more.

Choose South Bay Wax Spa for your dermaplaning needs. Call
us today
at (310) 347-2012 to schedule an appointment.