This is the address and phone number of our Hermosa Beach location for eyelash extensions:
South Bay Waxing & Sugaring Spa – 827 Palm Drive, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 – (310) 347-2012
How to prepare for your eyelash extension appointment
Cleanse your eyelids & lashes thoroughly and no make-up around the eye.
All mascara of ANY KIND must be cleansed from your eyelids & lashes BEFORE your appointment for eyelash extensions. This also applies to ANY KIND of facial makeup, moisturizers and or sun block.
REASON #1. Each eyelash extension is attached to your natural lash. If your eyelash has ANY mascara residue then it will weakling the bonding of the eyelash extension to your natural eyelash and this will dramatically reduce the longevity of your eyelash extensions. In other words your eyelash extensions will within a few hours or days after application, start falling off!
The oils within many moisturizers and sunblock can prevent the eyelash glue from properly adhering to your natural lashes eyelash this also will dramatically reduce the longevity of your eyelash extensions.
REASON #2. When you come in for your eyelash appointment and I have to examine or determine just how clean are your eyelids and eyelashes? I almost always do a few minutes of cleaning. But it I have to spend 20 or 30 minutes cleaning your eyelashes that means I have 20 to 30 minutes LESS TIME TO APPLYING your eyelash extensions. In other words the more time I spend cleaning your eyelashes the less time I have in applying your eyelash extension. This results in me having to reduce number of eyelash extensions I can apply during the time of your appointment.
One question I get lot of is: Are my eyelash extension glued to my skin?
ANSWER: NO! Each lash extension is attached to your natural lash, about 1mm away from your eyelid.
So prepare in advance for you eyelash extension appointment at our Redondo Beach Spa.
Hermosa Beach Spa Location
South Bay Waxing & Sugaring Spa
827 Palm Drive
Hermosa Beach, CA 90254
(310) 347-2012