Joy of Sugar Waxing

One of the fastest growing trends in the South Bay area for hair removal is “sugar waxing” also known simply as “sugaring”.  Whether it is male Brazilian waxing,  Female Brazilian waxing, bikini waxing, eye brow waxing or full body waxing so begins…The battle of the century. Which hair removal technique is better: sugaring or waxing?

More and more spas and salons who offer waxing in the Hermosa Beach, Manhattan Beach, Redondo Beach and Palos Verdes area are wanting to switch from wax to sugar also known as  “sugaring” for hair removal. Why! What are the differences between waxing and sugaring for hair removal?

Sugaring vs Waxing Application

Sugaring comfort waxing – Sugaring is similar to waxing as it removes the hair straight from the root, but there are differences in the application. The sugaring paste or gel is applied around body temperature; under no circumstances should you accidently get burned during this procedure. Using a traditional sugaring technique, the sugaring paste or gel is removed the same direction as hair grows; this is easier on the skin and less painful. Sugaring also only attaches to dead skin cells – it won’t accidently remove your skin. Ouch!

Waxing – Wax is applied warm, there have been several cases of clients getting burned during this procedure. Wax strips are pulled off in the opposite direction of hair growth, which can be hard on the skin and painful. Wax attaches to both dead and live skin cells making the possibility of skin coming off more likely.

Because of these differences several waxing salons in the Los Angeles area and in particular at salons at Hermosa Beach and Manhattan Beach only offer sugaring for Brazilian waxing and bikini waxing. Yes, sugaring is preferred over waxing for those very sensitive areas!

Sugaring and waxing Ingredients

Sugaring is all natural – Sugaring has natural ingredients that are less harsh on the skin and are less likely to cause allergic reactions. The main ingredients in the sugaring formula are sugar, lemon juice and water; essential oils may be included as well.

Waxing can have toxins– Waxes have many more ingredients and most are not natural. Waxes are usually made of resins and can include artificial fragrances, dyes, chemicals, and preservatives.

Because of the desire for things being “all natural” spa’s and salon’s in Torrance Ca, and in Palos Verde’s only offer sugar waxing “sugaring “ for  Brazilian, bikini, eye brow, leg waxing and full body waxing.

Sugaring is Safer then Waxing

Sugaring – Bacteria does not breed or survive in sugar; it actually helps prevent infections and promotes healing. Sugaring is also water-soluble, extremely easy to clean up and leaves the skin feeling smooth.

Waxing – Bacteria breeds in wax, can bruise skin, and can cause rashes and bumps. Wax is difficult to clean up; usually heavy oils or chemicals are needed and it often leaves the client’s skin sticky

 Brazilian waxing or sugaring? Bikini waxing or sugaring? Leg waxing or sugaring?

From most of the comparisons from my clients, sugaring seems like the obvious choice. I think most of us would be willing to pay a few dollars more for less pain and risk of infection, as well as a better, more natural result.